Flute Lessons

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Flute Lessons

Find flute teachers local to you by searching the international music teacher database. There are many flute tutors in our community that are able to offer online flute lessons, ideal for students unable to access local flute tuition. We teach all learning abilities, including complete beginners.

We welcome students of all ages, including younger learners interested in starting their journey playing the flute.

Professional Flute Teachers

In our community of flute teachers you will be able to find teachers that cover almost every genre and musical style. This will enable you to learn the music that you are passionate about, giving you the confidence and technical ability to progress on the flute. Many tutors offer the opportunity for students to take graded exams, should they wish to, though this is certainly not compulsory.

You can also talk with your chosen teach to find out if they do local showcases or recitals to enable you to build up your performing confidence, as well as share you newly developed flute playing skill with friends and family.

Learn the foundations of flute

We welcome complete beginners of all ages, including those who have never played the flute before, to attend flute lessons. We are also able to help intermediate to advanced flutists to continue to progress their flute playing, pushing them to that next level by providing individually tailored lessons suited to their specific learning goals.

For younger learners, many of the flute teachers that we work with have developed courses of lessons that are ideally suited to introducing children to playing the flute. These approaches often provide a more holistic overview of music, enabling students to grasp the core concepts of musicality, timing, rhythm and theory, while learning flute itself.

For those students interested in taking grades, do speak with your teacher about the grade exams that they recommend for you to take, as well as assess which grade you wish to start at.

We also welcome many adult learners to our flute lessons, including those who are playing the flute for the first time. You are never too old to start playing, so get in touch today to start your journey playing the flute. Whatever your prefered musical style, age or currently flute playing ability you will be able to find a teacher suited to your goals.

Progress your flute playing ability by taking individually tailored flute lessons focused around your learning goals.
Join our team of flute teachers based around the world to teach flute students either online or in person.

Are you a flute teacher?

If you are flute teacher passionate about teaching students from complete beginner levels upwards, then I would be delighted to help you find more students to teach. I work with flute teachers based across the world, helping to provide them streams of students to teach. You can apply to start teaching flute students who enquire on MusicTeacher.com by completing the teacher application form.

I work with teachers who are able to offer in-person and/or online lessons. With teachers covering a range of genres, styles and providing tuition to students of different ages as suits them.

Flute Classes

As well as searching through the teacher database you can also find one of our regional music hubs, where you will be able to find information about a professional flute teacher in your area.

Flute Hubs in the United Kingdom


Andrew Loveridge is a professional musician and music teacher based in Bristol, England. He offers flute lessons to students of all learning abilities, including complete beginners. To find out more visit Flute Lessons Bristol.



Ana Frías Rico is a flute teacher based in Cambridge, England. She can help learners from beginner levels upwards to progress their flute playing, click on the link to find out more about her flute lessons in Cambridge.


Chloë Mullett is an experienced music teacher based in Liverpool, offering flute lessons to students. She welcomes students of all ages, learning abilities and musical interests, helping them to build confidence and ability in their flute playing. You can find out more by visiting Flute Lessons Liverpool.


Sarah Atter is a professional flute teacher based in Manchester offering high quality flute lessons for students of all ages. She has a great range of both teaching and performing experience to share with her students.


Nella Leech is a professional flute player and teacher based in Weybridge offering the chance to learn to play the flute in an easy to learn way. Her lessons are easy to understand, easy to follow and enjoyable for all


Merlin Shakaj is a music teacher based in Witney, Oxfordshire. She has a passion for helping flutists of all abilities to progress their playing, helping them to learn through individually tailored flute lessons. Read more about her violin lessons here: Flute Lessons Witney.

Online Flute Lessons


Wendy Tang is able to offer online flute lessons to students based around the world. She can help students of all learning abilities, including complete beginners, to learn to play the flute in the comfort of their own homes. To find out more about her online flute tuition, simply visit the Online Flute Lessons page.

Zoom Flute Lessons

Irish Flute Lessons

Gareth is a professional flute player from Belfast, Ireland. Now based in Cologne, Germany, He works as a professional music teacher and performer, now providing lessons in Traditional Irish and Celtic music via zoom and skype. Find out more by visiting Irish Flute Lessons.