What even is placement? (Singing Teachers)
So placement (or the idea of placing the tone?) is something that a lot of singing teachers seem to use. Like placing it in the “masque” or a forward placement or something like this. But I’ve never seen it in action, and i admit to knowing very little about it.
What I DO know is that obviously when people say “the tone is coming from blah” or that it “stops the tone from coming from the throat”, this is pretty erroneous. Obviously the model of air comes from lungs -> vocal fold vibration -> resonance and vocal tract filtering is basically what happens regardless of where you imagine the sound coming from. Moreover, as far as I know, things like placing the resonance in the sinuses has more to do with feeling sympathetic resonance anyway, rather than any actual true resonance.
So what is going on here? Are there any studies that show physiological effects of placement techniques? Do any of you use these techniques? What do you use them for? I’d be super interested to know. If any of you use these techniques effectively, I’d LOVE a vid or sound bite so I can hear the difference it makes for you or your students.
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