Student Performances (All Teachers)
I’ve just had one of my teenage students approach me about starting to do more public performances to help her overcome her stage fright, I have given her some suggestions but I was just wondering if anyone else had any tips?
I have told her (bearing in mind she is nearly 14 years old):
– see if there any local open mic nights that are happy to have under 18s perform (I currently know of none in my area!)
– get 3 to 4 cover songs prepared and put the backing tracks on her phone/ipod so she is prepared for any performances
– she has entered competitions before and so I have told her to keep doing these as the more experience the betterI have told her that I will keep her in mind should I be asked by anyone for singers for performances, but the main thing I am unsure of is where she can perform locally as she is under 18?
Any help is greatly appreciated! 🙂
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