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  • Eliza Fyfe

    December 12, 2024 at 9:33 am

    Hi Gemma,

    I make sure they are given terms and conditions upon booking. Stress that you are very booked up and you just have to hope that they respect that it’s your income, and still pay if they cancel. Make sure they’re aware that no exceptions are made. It’s all you can do!


  • Mark Palmer

    December 12, 2024 at 9:34 am

    This is a a repost from the Cancellation policy thread which might be useful to delve into

    I used to be super chilled about people cancelling lessons i.e. i wouldn’t charge for cancellations at all, people would pay at the end of the lesson etc…. after a few years of teaching i encountered a few of students who seemed take my relaxed approach as a liberty. It seems that by me being super chilled they too could be super chilled about too, in other words if i don’t value my time then how can i expect them to? I decided to implement a ‘pay when you book’ policy, with the understanding if they cancelled ahead of time within reason(Them forgetting doesn’t qualify!)I would always try to rearrange the lesson if possible to another day close to their original booking.

    What i don’t indulge is someone who sees me on a weekly(or any other variable) recurrence to rearrange the missed lesson to the following week(or variable), that i explain respectfully is missing the point of the policy. I made people aware of this at the first lesson, and i explained v nicely that they were booking my time and that was their commitment to it. The implications of booking my time and not being able to make it for something unforeseen was: It stops other potentials students booking that slot when they’ve booked it(so other people have to wait longer or goto a later slot in following weeks)and i also turn other engagements down(music or otherwise)once they have chosen to book my time.

    I want the student to have the lesson and for them to not feel like they’re missing out(i do have a <3), thats why i offer the solution of them being being able to rearrange if possible, they hopefully see the goodwill in me doing so, even though i might still miss out if i cant book someone else in the missed time slot booked.

    Any student who respects this and truly understands, never quibbles and they offer before i have to nicely remind them of the understanding we came to when they began booking my time. Like all things in life there is room for mitigation, if i have a good relationship and their reasons are extraordinary(bereavement etc) i do often waive the lesson to the following recurrence or credit with the lesson i booked, I’m not a faceless business or complete robot, but thats personal to my judgement of the situation at that time.

    Just my two cents worth. thanks

  • Phil Schneider

    December 12, 2024 at 9:34 am

    Prioritise relaible customers

    Unreliable customers allocate to the last or hard to fill times

    Ultimately. Explain you cant offer the best service and stop teaching them. (Unless they pay for missed lesson not usually the case.)

    My experience tells me if they miss 1/2 or 2/3 of booked lesson its not going to change.

  • Gemma Doyle

    December 12, 2024 at 9:34 am

    Thank you for your kind and helpful guidance everyone.
    Have a fantastic week,

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