Opening Up The High Notes (Singing Teachers)
Hi everyone,
I have a student (12 years old) who really struggles to get the high notes. She is very into her musical theatre style songs and we are currently working on Almost There from The Princess and the Frog (Grade 2 standard)
I will post a link of her singing so you can get an idea of what I mean: http://picosong.com/hqhB/
To be fair, when we recorded this she had the start of a cold coming on so it was a lot worse than from when I heard her last week but this is generally what I am battling with! She doesn’t say it hurts when she sings higher so I don’t think there is an underlying problem with her voice, but it’s like her voice just gives up on her when she tries to sing high.
I have been getting her to do slides/sirens which has expanded her voice into the head voice register, and getting her to sing louder than usual when doing scales with the piano just to try and open up the higher notes…but this is a consistent problem and nothing I suggest seems to work. She has been with me for about a year and I can hear an improvement – she passed her Grade 1 just before Christmas but we got by by not singing high songs!
What do you suggest I do?
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