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Home Forums Music Teacher Forum Tier 1 – 4 Private Teaching Rules in England (All Teachers)

  • Tier 1 – 4 Private Teaching Rules in England (All Teachers)

    Posted by Matthew Rusk on June 24, 2024 at 10:46 am

    I wanted to post a summary of the latest English Tier 1 – 4 advice on private music teaching according to the ISM:

    Tier 1 – 3 guidence taken from

    Tier 1: Medium Alert

    “[ISM] believe it means private music tuition can take place in the teacher’s and pupil’s home subject to appropriate risk assessments.”

    Tier 2: High Alert

    “[ISM] interpret this [the government guidelines] to mean that private music tuition can take place in the teacher’s and pupil’s home subject to appropriate risk assessments.”

    Tier 3: Very High Alert

    “[ISM] interpret this to mean that private teaching can take place in the teacher’s and pupil’s home subject to appropriate risk assessments.”

    Tier 4 guidence taken from

    Tier 4:

    “The guidance states that people are permitted to leave their homes for ‘education related to the formal curriculum or training…and supervised activities for children that are necessary to allow parents/carers to work, seek work, or undertake education or training.’

    This mirrors the position in the November England lockdown in that attendance at organised activities for children will only be possible if it means that by allowing their child to attend such activities, the parent or guardian of a child will therefore be free to work, or look for work or undertake their own education or training.

    It seems likely that private face to face teaching will not be permitted in Tier 4 areas so you should prepare to move your teaching online. We will update you as soon as possible.”

    Please note this is the information from ISM of their interpretation of the current rules, not a suggestion or recommendation on how you should conduct your music lessons. I have shared this as I have received quite a few questions over Christmas in regard to guidelines for each of the tiers and thought a combined summary would be useful. I also acknowledge that other organizations similar to ISM may have differing guidance, which can be used to inform teachers in addition to the above. If you wish to quote and link to any guidance from a reasonable source in a comment below to share that with the community then you are most welcome to do so 🙂

    Matthew Rusk replied 2 months, 2 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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