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Home Forums Music Teacher Forum Singing Lessons with Kids Advice (Singing Teachers)

  • Guest Teacher

    September 11, 2024 at 6:47 pm

    I’ve definitely experienced this, (both when I was that age, and teaching) I think if he’s not strained then there’s no real problem for now. I think the advice is generally like that – especially for boys – because their voice will change and they have to be much more careful around that time, so if you discourage them from belting when they’re young they won’t push themselves unhealthily later?

    So I’d do some prep for that by giving him the ‘tools’ he might need during the voice change, things like getting him to know the different aspects of his voice and how they feel rather than how they sound because if it’s linked to feeling rather than the specific notes or range based things then when his voice drops he’ll still have the feeling ‘data’ as it were. Hope that helps!

  • Veronica Wakeling

    September 11, 2024 at 6:47 pm

    Great topic. With children I teach for only half hour. 15 MINUTES TECHNICAL BREATHING. No straining of larynx. Vowelisation all 3 disciplines as fun. From there 15 minutes of songs which demonstrate those actions. As they progress more techniques but always as fun. Songs to incorporate the new dynamics as well as the previous.

    • Melodi Scarsbrook

      September 11, 2024 at 6:48 pm

      This is very helpful, thank you.

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